

Jan 04 2024

Interview on Podcast "The Trust about Real Estate Investing"

We have podcast host of A Canadian Investing in the US, Glen Sutherland, hey’s a nice, sharing guy, a seasoned real estate investor, and he’s here to share his own journey of how he ran into a wall investing in Ontario then pivoted to the USA in 2017 and never looked back.

Glen shares insights from his experience, including strategies for finding and managing properties, navigating different market conditions, and the importance of building a reliable team all from the comfort of his home near Waterloo, Ontario. He emphasizes the value of solving complex property issues, I emphasise complex as Glen is dealing with complicated deals in small towns not for the faint of heart.

Me personally, I’m going for boring, Glen however is a full time investment with sufficient capital and he must like the excitement.  We are totally on two different end of the risk tolerance spectrum which is totally ok. This is the truth about real estate investing podcast and there are various ways to invest in real estate.

March 29 2018

Interview on Podcast "Best Ever - Real Estate Investing Advice Show"

Glen is buying properties in different states using turn-key operators. Remote investing is a great way to invest when you live in a less desirable area for investing. Glen has built teams on the ground and has tips and suggestions for anyone else who would like to invest in the US as a canadian, as well as anyone who wants to remotely invest. If you enjoyed today’s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!

May 2023

Interview on Podcast "The REITE Club - Real Estate Investing for Canadians"

Are you a Canadian real estate investor looking to make a splash in the US, but feeling held back by common myths about investing across the border? Have you heard that the process is too complicated, too risky, or simply not worth the trouble?

Let’s bust those myths once and for all. Here are three major myths about investing in US real estate as a Canadian, and Glen Sutherland is here to share the truth with you, an expert in navigating the complexities of investing in US properties as a Canadian.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Decode differentiating factors and hurdles Canadian investors face in the US real estate market.
  • Identify frequent blunders committed by Canadians while venturing into the US property sphere.
  • Gain proficiency in effective tactics to achieve fruitful outcomes in US real estate ventures.
  • Recognize the value of forming a robust squad and skillfully tackling risks in property investing.
  • Learn to adjust to dynamic market conditions using insights garnered from the COVID-19 crisis.

November 20 2022

Interview on Podcast "Where Should I Invest?"

Looking at new investing markets can sometimes appear daunting so looking across the border as a Canadian into the US may put most of us off pursuing. But the size of the market can offer many more opportunities and higher ROI provided you know the in’s and out’s of investing in another country.

Glen Sutherland found the sources he was learning from, especially podcasts, were US-focused and he started to realize there were opportunities south of the border. After a lot of research, he learned of more favourable laws, lower property taxes, and lower cost of entry investing in the US.

May 18 2022

Interview on Podcast "The Greatest Multi-family Investment Advice Show - Adam Ras"

Glen Sutherland is a Canadian from Cambridge Ontario who invests and manages a large portfolio in the US. He started his investing journey by purchasing ‘buy and hold’ rental real estate in local Canadian markets then shift his interest to the US market.

Glen also hosts the Podcast entitled, “A Canadian Investing in the US”, where he provides information and advice to investors interested in investing in both Canada and the US

October 2023

Interview on the Podcast "Promo Minds"

The man behind the beloved real estate podcast, “A Canadian Investing In The US”, Glen Sutherland joins me today and peels back the layers a little bit to share some of his secrets that have helped in his entrepreneurial journey. Some of the topics include how Glen first became interested in Real Estate, the troubles he went to find a Canadian Real Estate podcast in his early days, and even shares tips on how to prepare to leave your job and make your side hustle your main gig. Whether you are looking for tips on real estate investing, or looking to launch your first business, the wealth of knowledge Glen has learned from his years being a real estate investor, as well as owning a screen printing business, is truly invaluable.

May 01 2021

Interview on Podcast "The Real Estate Expresso"

Glen Sutherland is a Canadian investor who has gone into lower priced US submarkets in search of greater value. On today’s show we’re talking about how he has decided where to invest. Glen is also the host of “A Canadian Investing in the US” podcast.

January 2024

Article in "Investor Review Magazine" (page 13)

Winter 2024 Edition

Canada- USA Cross Boarder Investment Coaching

February 2021

Interview on Podcast "The Andrew Hines Real Estate Investing Podcast"

In E104, Glen Sutherland discusses how he invests, as a Canadian, in various different States just in the U.S.. Glen is obviously a very savvy problem solver and solution finder. He’s got more answers to more questions than what could possibly be answered in a one hour episode. Tune in to learn about the type of cash flow Glen gets, what markets he likes, how he builds his teams, how he sets up systems and how he’s been able to manage at a distance even during the lockdown. From flips to long term holds, if you want to learn about how to invest in real estate in the United States, this episode is for you!
Glen’s Bio: Glen Sutherland is a real estate investor from Cambridge, ON where he lives with his wife and two terrific children. He started his investing journey purchasing ‘buy and hold’ rental real estate locally. After a lot of research, he learned of more favourable laws, lower property taxes, and lower cost of entry south of the boarder. These factors make for greater ease of wealth creation. These days, Glen is investing in the US by buying, renovating, refinancing to grow his rental real estate portfolio. He also hosts the Podcast and Youtube channel entitled,  “A Canadian Investing in the US”, where he provides information and advice to investors interested in investing in both Canada and the US. He enjoys the privilege of sharing his knowledge with others.

November 9 2022

Interview on Podcast "Raising Private Money with Jay Connor"

Real Estate Investments Where the Numbers Make Sense! Glen Sutherland is a real estate investor from Ontario, Canada where he lives with his wife and two terrific children. He started his investing journey by purchasing ‘buy and hold’ rental real estate locally. After a lot of research, he learned of more favorable laws, lower property taxes, and lower cost of entry south of the border. These factors make for greater ease of wealth creation. These days, Glen is investing in the USA by purchasing and renovating projects. He also hosts the Podcast and YouTube channel entitled, “A Canadian Investing in the US”, where he provides information and advice to investors interested in investing in both Canada and the US. Glen has invested in both USA and Canada and understands the advantages of investing across borders to achieve higher ROI on his investments.

February 2021

Interview on Podcast "Raising Private Money with Jay Conner"

Glen Sutherland is a real estate investor from Ontario, Canada. His journey in investing began with purchasing ‘buy-and-hold’ rental properties locally but, after much research, he discovered there were more favourable laws, lower taxes, and lower entry costs south of the border.

Currently, Glen is investing in the USA by purchasing and renovating projects. He is also the host of “A Canadian Investing in the US”,  a podcast and YouTube channel offering information and advice for investors seeking to invest in Canada and the US. He is also a co-host of the podcast Advanced Real Estate Investing Talk.

Glen has invested in both USA and Canada and understands the advantages of investing cross-border to achieve higher ROI on his investments.

Having invested in both USA and Canada, Glen understands the advantages of investing cross-border to achieve higher ROI.


In this special episode of the Savvy REI Show Jose and Khadija will have an insightful conversation with Glen about his journey to success in the real estate space and the advantages of investing in the US.

Glen will share five reasons that made him decide to invest in the US and will also talk about how he selects the places where he is going to invest.

You will find out hat are the advantages and disadvantages of landing properties.

You will also learn what are the types of properties that Glen buys and what are his main strategies.

Glenn will also talk about the whole process of renovating and rehabbing properties and will share his vision and goals for the future

Listen now and enjoy!

What You’ll Learn in this Show:

A little bit about Glen’s background and his real estate journeyFive reasons that made Glen decide to invest in the USWhat types of properties does Glen buy and what are his strategies?How does Glenn manage the whole process of renovating and rehabbing properties? Glen’s secret to being able to work only two days a week And so much more…

November 2022

Interview on Podcast "Icons of Real Estate"

Our guest is Glen Sutherland, a real estate investor from Ontario, Canada where he lives with his wife and two terrific children. He started his investing journey purchasing ‘buy and hold’ rental real estate locally. After a lot of research, he learned of more favorable laws, lower property taxes, and lower cost of entry south of the border.

These factors make for greater ease of wealth creation. These days, Glen is investing in the USA by purchasing and renovating projects. He also hosts the Podcast and YouTube channel entitled, “A Canadian Investing in the US”, where he provides information and advice to investors interested in investing in both Canada and the US. Glen has invested in both USA and Canada and understands the advantages for investing cross border to achieve higher ROI on his investments

May 12 2022

Interview on Podcast "The Canadian Multifamily Investing Podcast"

In this interview we speak with Glen Sutherland, a real estate investor from Ontario, Canada. He invests remotely in the United States after learning that there are more favourable laws, lower property taxes, and lower cost of entry south of the border. Sutherland is currently buying and renovating properties to increase ROI.

This episode focuses on the following topics:

  • How a Canadian can invest remotely in the USA
  • How to choose the right market to invest in
  • Strategy and financial deals in the USA
  • Asset-based lending and buying down points
  • What the corporate structure is like when investing in the USA
  • What to consider when building your team

December 2 2021

Interview on Podcast "How to Scale Commercial Real Estate"

Glen Sutherland is a real estate investor from Cambridge Ontario, where he lives with his wife and two children. He started his investing journey purchasing buy and hold rental real estate locally, and after a lot of research, he learned of more favorable laws, lower property taxes, and lower cost of entry south of the border. He also hosts the podcast, A Canadian Investing In The USA, where he provides information and advice to investors interested in investing in both Canada and the US. Glen owns properties in both Canada and in the USA and understands the advantages of investing cross-border to achieve higher ROI on his investments.

July 2022

Interview on Podcast "Wine and Real Estate"

Glen Sutherland is a real estate investor from Wellesley, ON (outside of Waterloo) where he lives with his wife and two terrific children. He started his investing journey by purchasing ‘buy and hold’ rental real estate locally. After a lot of research, he learned of more favorable laws, lower property taxes, and lower cost of entry south of the border. These factors make for greater ease of wealth creation. These days, Glen is investing in the US by buying, renovating, and refinancing to grow his rental real estate portfolio. He also hosts the Podcast and Youtube channel entitled, “A Canadian Investing in the US”, where he provides information and advice to investors interested in investing in both Canada and the US. He enjoys the privilege of sharing his knowledge with others.

September 2023

Interview on Podcast "The REITE Club - Real Estate Investing for Canadians"

Real estate is a complex and dynamic field that touches the lives of millions of people every day. It’s a domain where fortunes are made and lost, dreams are realized and shattered, and every transaction tells a unique story.

As we celebrate the 250th episode of The Reite Club podcasts, we have invited three distinguished real estate professionals, Glen Sutherland, Martin Mei, and James Knull, to share their best and worst experiences in their illustrious careers in real estate investing.

Glen, Martin, and James are highly regarded real estate investors with diverse portfolios and proven track records. Glen is known for his extensive experience and unique approach to property investment, while Martin has showcased his acumen through successful investments and strategic market understanding. James, head of Mogul Realty Group, is recognized for consistently generating profits from his ventures and adeptness in handling high-pressure situations.

April 2024

Interview on Podcast "Property Profits Real Estate Podcast by Dave Debeau"

In this episode, we sit down with Glen Sutherland, a pro at investing in properties across the border. Glen shares his secrets on how to make the big move from Canada to the U.S. for property deals. Wondering about getting loans, dealing with taxes, or picking the right properties in the States? Glen breaks it all down, making what seems impossible totally doable. He even talks about the ups and downs of selling properties and how to avoid common mistakes. Join us as Glen demystifies investing in the U.S. and gives us a peek into his journey of buying homes, duplexes, and more. Whether you’re curious or serious about expanding your property portfolio in the U.S., Glen’s insights are gold!

September 26, 2023

Interview on Podcast "Commission Breath"

Episode 13 (Investing in the U.S. with Glen Sutherland): In this episode, Brandon and Tom are joined by Glen Sutherland, a real estate investor and coach from Wellesley, Ontario, who’s specialty is investing in the U.S. real estate market. Glen also has a podcast called “A Canadian Investing in the U.S.”, which he’s hosted since 2018. Glen is here to discuss: → What led him to investing in the U.S. → What investment strategies he’s been using. → And how you as a Canadian can get started in U.S. investing.

June 2020

Interview on Podcast "Real Talk with Gary - Real Estate Investing"

Gary chatted with investor Glen Sutherland, a Canadian investing in the USA. He started with buy/hold investments early on in Canada

What you’ll learn:

  • How Glen migrated from buying one investment property for his retirement to multiple units
  • How the ‘Bank Of Grandma’ played in to his early success – family members can be a great source of cash for your investment journey
  • Proactive strategies for dealing with tenants and rent, if they are struggling or lost their job, especially during a pandemic
  • Should we be investing in real estate now, or see how things play out over the coming months?
  • Why it still may be a good time to invest, based on past cycles
  • What happens if there is a shortage in properties for sale, or if there are too many properties for sales?
  • The differences between investing in the States and Canada
  • How you must do research to see where you will invest in the US
  • Why prices are more favourable in certain areas, and make it easier to get into the market vs. Ontario
  • Why renovation costs in the US will gain you more, as everything is more expensive in Canada – Dual flush toilets were purchased for $60
  • How it’s important to assemble a strong team to help you, or a good property manager
  • Why you should be afraid of purchasing properties that need more love – Glen is no longer afraid of buying cheap properties that will appraise at a higher value
  • Mortgages can be had, because there are so many banks across the United States, and some that are only in different states
  • What is a ‘non-recourse loan’ in the US?
  • Why you should use a corporation for investing, and nothing should be in your name
  • What are the loan to value ratios in the US?
  • What are the criteria for getting a mortgage in the US as a Canadian?
  • Most mortgages are low risk in the US
  • And MORE!

January 17 2019

Interview on Podcast "The Green Effect"

Have you ever thought about investing in US real estate?  If so, this is the episode for you!  Glen Sutherland (, investor and podcaster is on the show talking about his journey.  Why invest in the US? Landlord/tenant rules difference. How was it buying his first US investment property?  US “turn-key” properties. All sorts of great info about investing in the US real estate market!

August 17 2021

Interview on TV Show "30 Minutes to Wealth" originally aired on CHCH

In this episode, Carmen and Jordan Campagnaro meet with real estate investor, Glen Sutherland. Glen is a Canadian who invests and manages a large portfolio of properties completely from abroad. He started his investing journey by purchasing ‘buy and hold’ rental real estate in local Canadian markets. After a lot of research, he learned of considerable benefits to investing in the United States such as more favourable laws, lower property taxes and a lower cost of entry south of the border. Be sure to watch this episode to learn about Glen’s strategies when it comes to how he picks his markets, what he looks for in a property and how he manages risk from abroad. Glen talks to us about arguably one of the most essential aspects of owing property internationally- how he finds a trustworthy team to look out for his best interests when he’s not a local investor. This is an information packed episode that offers great insight and knowledge on how to successfully own and manage properties from abroad.

June 14 2020

Interview on the podcast "Discovering Multifamily"

How To Invest In Out Of Country Real Estate With Glen Sutherland: Discovering Multifamily Podcast: Episode 39

On this episode of Discovering Multifamily, Glen Sutherland joins us to discuss investing in real estate in different countries. Glen is the host of “A Canadian Investing in the U.S.”, podcast.

May 6 2021

Interview on the Youtube channel "Helping you invest in US real estate-Mada Partners"

WEBINAR This is part of our educational series of Meetup called Creating Wealth Through U.S. Real Estate. Come tap into our guest speaker Glen Sutherland insights on Understanding How To Buy and Finance Your First U.S. Real Estate deal as a Canadian This powerful webinar will help guide on buying U.S. real estate. What You Will Learn At This Webinar: ✅ How To Buy U.S. Real Estate ✅ How to Finance U.S. Real Estate Glen Sutherland is a real estate investor from Cambridge, ON where he lives with his wife and two terrific children. He started his investing journey purchasing ‘buy and hold’ rental real estate locally. After a lot of research, he learned of more favourable laws, lower property taxes, and lower cost of entry south of the boarder. These factors make for greater ease of wealth creation. These days, Glen is investing in the USA by purchasing single family ‘buy and hold’ rental real estate. He also hosts the Podcast and Youtube channel entitled, “A Canadian Investing in the US”, where he provides information and advise to investors interested in investing in both Canada and the US. Glen own properties in both Canada and the USA and understand the advantages for investing cross border to achieve higher ROI on his investments.

February 22 2022

Interview on the Youtube channel "Bradley Watson"

Glen Sutherland is a real estate investor from Wellesley, ON (outside of Waterloo) where he lives with his wife and two terrific children. He started his investing journey by purchasing ‘buy and hold’ rental real estate locally. After a lot of research, he learned of more favourable laws, lower property taxes, and lower cost of entry south of the border. These factors make for greater ease of wealth creation. These days, Glen is investing in the US by buying, renovating, refinancing to grow his rental real estate portfolio. He also hosts the Podcast and YouTube channel entitled, “A Canadian Investing in the US”, where he provides information and advice to investors interested in investing in both Canada and the US. He enjoys the privilege of sharing his knowledge with others.

November 11 2020

Interview on the Youtube channel "Investing Across Boarders"

Glen Sutherland is a real estate investor from Cambridge, ON where he lives with his wife and two terrific children. He started his investing journey purchasing ‘buy and hold’ rental real estate locally. After a lot of research, he learned of more favorable laws, lower property taxes, and lower cost of entry south of the boarder. These factors make for greater ease of wealth creation. These days, Glen is investing in the US by buying, renovating, refinancing to grow his rental real estate portfolio. He also hosts the Podcast and Youtube channel entitled, “A Canadian Investing in the US”, where he provides information and advice to investors interested in investing in both Canada and the US. He enjoys the privilege of sharing his knowledge with others.

April 2021

Interview in "Investor Review Magazine"

Investor Review Magazine – Spring 2021

Page 14

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